
Dance Ice Gymnastics Sportswear

Size 14 Girls Clothing - Crop Tops

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Item: 3073

Size: 14


Item: 3147

Size: 14


Item: 3247

Size: 14


Item: 3291

Size: 14


Item: 3292

Size: 14


Item: 3295

Size: 14


Item: 3416

Size: 14


Page: 1

The size of the loop and the fineness of the yarn determine the density of course and wales. The number of wales determine the width of the fabric, the number of courses determine its length; their product determines the weight.

3. Thread: For sewing, select thread from spool or reel of good quality from a reliable brand, matching to fabric in color and size. Various types of threads like cotton, silk, Terylene and nylon threads are available in the market.